The Best Bath & Body CBD Products For Christmas

Lauren Estelle
6 min readDec 18, 2020

CBD products are one of the most popular gifts to give this holiday season. With the pandemic raging all over the country, many are seeking ways to ensure their health and happiness as well as for those around them. CBD is no longer just a trend, but a here-to-stay natural remedy to stress, pain, insomnia and much more. CBD can be found in everything from CBD Tinctures to CBD bath oils to CBD Essential Oils, so your nay-sayer aunt who has no love of cannabis, might just find a new love with CBD.

CBD’ s benefits were once just anecdotal pieces exchanged after a friend or family member pulled out a bottle or popped a gummie in their mouth. Now CBD products can be found in nearly every convenience store, on the shelves of major retailers like CVS, and of course, online. But don’t just run out and grab any old product, make sure you buy it from a company that cares about the quality and standards of their products. Here are 6 great gift ideas for the CBD lover in your family or group of friends.

CBD Essential Oils

Price: $19.99–35.99

CBD Potency: 450mg of CBD per 15ml & 1500mg of CBD per 15ml

You may have essential oils around the home, but they are not like these. Broad Essentials CBD Essential Oils are made with pure, therapeutic-grade essential oils and infused with hemp CBD. Available in 2 strengths to satisfy even the veteran CBD user, these essential oils will make you wonder why you haven’t tried them before. Most of us use essential oils around the home to create calming and uplifting atmospheres and spread the wonderful aromas around. With the infusion of CBD, Lavender essential oil becomes a much more calming and restful aroma that can be used to even promote sleep. Lemongrass with CBD oil has uplifting and stress relieving aromas that smell amazing and Peppermint oil with CBD can help keep your mind clear and focused. Like to use essential oils for skin care? Frankincense CBD oil is not only good for the easing the mind during mediation or yoga, but is great for nourishing skin. with over 20 different essential oils and blend, you are sure to find something for the essential oil fan!

CBD Essential Oils from Broad Essentials with 450mg CBD and 1500mg CBD
CBD Essential Oils — CBD Essential Oil Starter Kit 15ml bottles with 450mg CBD & 1500mg CBD

CBD Tinctures

Price: $19.99 — $59.99

CBD Potency: 600mg per 1oz to 1500mg per oz

Many of us have seen someone pull out a dropper bottle and squeeze a little under their tongues. It may have seem odd, but this one of the most reliable ways to introduce medicine into our systems. Taken sublingually, under the tongue, our bodies quickly absorb and react to the medicine and CBD tincture are no different. Made with pure fractionated coconut oil, or MCT oil, these drops are nearly flavorless and can be added to food or drinks or taken sublingually for the fastest effects. Broad Essentials offers 2 different types of CBD. CBD isolate tinctures are designed for those who are new to CBD or are hesitant to use a Broad Spectrum blend due to drug tests. Broad Spectrum blends offer a wider array of beneficial cannabinoids, terpenes and flavonoids which work together using the Entourage Effect to amplify the benefits of the CBD. CBD drops can be taken during the day to ease the mind and stay on task or at night to promote calm and restful sleep.

CBD Tinctures — CBD Drops with 1500mg CBD Broad Spectrum Hemp or CBD Isolate

CBD Bath Oils

Price: $29.99

CBD Potency: 800mg per 4oz

Bath bombs can be expensive, up to $10-$15 per bath. Broad Essentials offers CBD infused Bath Oils with Broad Spectrum Hemp in a 4oz bottle in calming and pain relieving formulas. Unlike many bath bombs, bath oils are designed for baths and have a naturally sourced emulsifier to help the oil mix with the water so you don’t have oil beading up on top of the water or clinging to the bath tub sides. A tablespoon of Calming CBD bath oil will help calm your mind and body from the day and make you feel like you spent the day at a spa. For those with muscle or joint pain, the Pain Relieving Bath Oil can help soothe your aches and pains away.

CBD Bath Oils — Calming CBD Bath Oil with 800mg of Broad Spectrum Hemp

CBD Massage Oil

Price: $29.99 — $59.99

CBD Potency: 400mg CBD per 40z — 1800mg per 4 oz

Easily one of the most popular ways to reduce stress and pain are massage oils. The simple act of getting a massage, even a quick one, has been shown to have profound effects on reducing stress. Broad Essentials offers 2 types of massage oils, Calming Massage Oil, with Lavender, Clary Sage and Frankincense and Pain Relief Massage Oil with and essential oil blend that includes Chamomile, Clary Sage, Lavender, Copaiba, Peppermint, Rosemary and Marjoram. Both smell fantastic and are made with a secret carrier oil blend that includes skin nourishing ingredients like Vitamin E, Sweet Almond Oil, Avocado Oil and Hemp Oil.

CBD Massage Oils — Pain Relieving Massage Oil with 400mg & 1800mg Broad Spectrum Hemp

CBD Roll-Ons

Price: $11.99 — $24.99

CBD Potency: 35mg per 10ml to 150mg per 10ml

Essential Oil rollers with CBD are popular for their easy to apply rollerball method and ability to take it with you anywhere. Just take off the cap and you have a personal massager with calming and pain relieving benefits. CBD essential oil roll-ons can be made from single oils such as lavender and peppermint or as a specific blend designed to relieve muscle aches and joint pain. Broad Essentials offers a variety of rollers for the essential oil lover in your group of friends or family with either pure fractionated coconut oil for quick absorption or carrier oil blends that give you a more massage-like effect, prefect for sore back, necks, shoulders and headaches.

CBD Essential Oil Rollers — Lavender CBD Roll-On with 150mg Broad Spectrum Hemp

CBD Carrier Oils

Price: $19.99

CBD Potency: 200mg CBD per 4oz bottle

Carrier oils are the go-to method for CBD oil and essential oil skin application. Typically when you want to use essential oils or CBD oil topically, you would need a carrier oil to help ‘carry’ the oils through your skin. Broad Essentials Carrier Oils with CBD are not only fantastic for nourishing and repairing skin but have the added benefits of CBD including antimicrobial, antibacterial and antifungal properties to help protect your skin. Available in Hemp Oil, Grapeseed Oil, Fractionated Coconut Oil (MCT Oil) and Jojoba Oil so you can use them by themselves or create your own carrier oil blends for face washes, body oils, massage oils and more.

and Jojoba Oil so you can use them by themselves or create your own carrier oil blends for face washes, body oils, massage oils and more.

CBD Carrier Oils — CBD Jojoba Oil with 200mg Broad Spectrum Hemp

